As with any school-aged resident child, Township of Ocean School District provides a full continuum of services for students aged three to five years old.
Currently there are nineteen (19) Preschool Integrated Classes. Three-year-old and four-year-old students attend full day preschool program. The ratio of regular education students to special needs students is approximately 2:1, toward the regular education population. This integrated program (inclusionary) follows a federal education preschool curriculum. The special needs students receive an in-class resource program through their special education teacher, and related services are provided in accordance with their IEPS. Each preschool integrated class is additionally staffed by an instructional aide.
A Self-Contained Preschool Disabilities Program is available as well to those students who require a structure, with either a half day or full day program with a smaller class size than is offered in the Integrated Preschool Program. This program is offered in order to make meaningful progress in helping students meet IEP goals and objectives. The full-day program provides opportunities for intensive small group instruction and opportunities for integration into the preschool integrated sections for generalization. Related Services are provided as per student IEPs.
Township of Ocean School District provides special education programs at all of its elementary schools in the form of an in-class resource and pull out resources replacement to those students determined eligible. Special Classes - Learning, Language Disabled and/or Multiply Disabled are currently held in either the Wayside Elementary School or Ocean Township Elementary School. Related services in the form of speech-language, occupational and physical therapies are also provided at each elementary school. There is a speech-language specialist dedicated to every elementary school. Occupational and physical therapists travel between schools. Social Skills counseling is also provided by school social workers, school psychologists and consultants when deemed necessary through IEPs.
Speech and language services are provided to students who demonstrate, through formal evaluation, a mild to moderate disorder in language, articulation, voice, or fluency.
Just as at the elementary schools, Ocean Township Intermediate School offers a variety of special education program options in accordance with student IEPs. There is a full time Child Study Team on staff, as well as a dedicated speech-language therapist, and a full guidance department.
In addition to inclusion, in-class resource, pull out resource, Special Class Learning Language Disabled, a Multiply Disabled class is in operation at the Intermediate School. The Multiply Disabled class provides programming for those students who require a structured, full day Life Skills program with a smaller class size than is offered in the Regular Education, or a Resource Pull Out Replacement Program, in order to make meaningful progress in meeting IEP goals and objectives.
The program provides strong academic and community-based supports, following the scope and sequence of a functional Life Skills curriculum according to student needs. The academic program follows IEP goals.
Township of Ocean Special Services follows a natural continuum of programs as middle school students transition to the high school. A full Child Study Team is on staff and plays a major role in overseeing the education and implementation of IEPs for classified students. In accordance with student Individual Education Plans, classified students are scheduled in general education classes in all areas of the curriculum to the fullest possible extent. High School program include in-class resource, pull out resource placement, and special classes for Learning Language Disabled and Multiply Disabled.
A self-contained Life Skills program operates at the high school level, as well. The program provides strong academic and community-based supports, following the scope and sequence of a functional Life Skills curriculum according to student needs. The academic program follows IEP goals. Components provide small group instruction and opportunities to integrate into the community. Social skills are addressed through the community and vocational/employment part of the program. Opportunities for job training are found within the school setting as well as the community at large. Students work at various local businesses. Some students work independently and some are accompanied by a job coach. The goal is to fade the coaches as the students become more independent.
Students have the opportunity to participate in a variety of regular education settings, including physical education and electives. They also have the opportunity to participate in sports and after school clubs. Students with severe disabilities are taught through a hands-on, activity-based program. Career awareness and exploration activities are begun in this program, and students eventually work at a variety of internships throughout the community. Repeated practice of skills and competencies is necessary for successful transition in post-school settings. As part of transition planning for all classified students over 14-years-old, staff is available to assist in the development of skills they will need to meet the world after high school.